February 4, 2020 X Customer Deborah

                 I took a supervisor call yesterday and it was about an old lady whose data aren't working. Deborah was her name and she's 69 years old. I verified her account, nothing much about it data and features are all added, her plan is basic. I placed the call on hold and checked the usage of personal hotspot device. That's when I found out the answer for her concern. She overused and exceeded the usage of the data allotment. I told her what I have found out through our system and she responds abruptly. She already understands what is happening yet still insist and asks if I can have it refresh for her. I was transparent and told her that there's no other way I can help her out. She really needs to wait until the next billing cycle will refresh by itself since it's system generated.

And that's not actually the case, nothing to do with her data because the billing cycle will restart tomorrow which is the good thing. The case is that before the call ends, we had our little chit-chat. She told me that, watching shows from her television using the hotspot is the only thing she do every day. My curious mind started to ask her questions like, "don't you have children?" "Don't you have someone with you right now?". She openly answered those questions, she never had a chance to have a baby, she was divorced and she told me that she's a cancer patient.

                   I started to feel pity on her and wish that I could give her extra data for her to use but I can't. She doesn't even ask for it anyway. I think she all need now is someone' who is willing to listen to her. She said that she's just trying her best to live her life to the fullest and just want to be happy.

After talking to her, I realized that all of us are just trying to survive. That every one of us, we are all trying our best to save ourselves, to be our own hero. We must try to be happy and positive. Even if the only thing that makes you happy is watching shows for your television, drinking coffee, reading books, listening to music, etc. We must be excited about what makes us happy, whatever it is. For it is what will keep us alive.



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